
Competition Dates

Opens Tuesday 28th January and closes Thursday 6th February

You’re invited to join the Magic Love Games this Valentines Day!

We are looking for 3 couples to go head to head in the Magic LOVE GAMES on Valentines Day, Friday February 14th and compete in various challenges against other couples on the Port Lincoln Foreshore.

Enter your details below and we will be in touch to let you know if you’re one of the 3 couples and the details of the LOVE GAMES.

You and your partner will need to be available between 7am and 9am on Valentines day to join the Magic Crew on the Port Lincoln Foreshore to compete in the LOVE GAMES for your chance to win our Valentines Day Prize booty valued at over $700!

Entries close 5pm, Thursday 6 February.

Entries have closed
