
New data reveals extent of regional housing crisis

September 4, 2023 12:54 pm in by
Photo: Pexels

New data reveals most regional rents in the June Quarter were above the ’30 per cent of income’ affordability threshold for individuals on JobSeeker, the Age Pension and even the minimum wage.

The South Australia Council of Social Services’ latest Cost of Living Update shows the extent of the rental crisis in regional SA, with prices rising and available rentals falling.

Over the last 12 months, the cost of a three-bedroom rental in the Eyre and Western area rose 17.9 per cent and the number of new rentals dropped 37.1 per cent.

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SACOSS Director of Policy and Advocacy Rebecca Tooher says the state government needs to move quickly to address the failure of the rental market to provide stable and affordable housing in regional South Australia.
