
Mentally Fit EP hits the road

May 14, 2024 11:53 am in by
Photo: Eyre Peninsula Broadcasters

You might spot Mentally Fit EP rolling into your town with their new set of wheels soon, thanks to a donation from City Motors Port Lincoln.

Mark Venning from City Motors handed the keys over to Mentally Fit EP and West Coast Youth and Community Support yesterday, 13 May.

The team will be taking their new Isuzu MUX to deliver programs, events and counselling in Cummins and Tumby Bay.

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Mentally Fit EP Community Development Officer Lain Montgomerie says the new vehicle will significantly improve their reach.

“Pre-COVID we were out and about a lot, and then obviously, like most things, got shut down… this is everything just sort of ramping back up, so it gives us an opportunity to make sure we’re getting to the other towns now,” Montgomerie says.

Photo: Eyre Peninsula Broadcasters

The car itself is also a conversation starter.

“Just having it out there with our little slogan on there – ‘Mental health is everybody’s business/Everybody’s business is mental health’ – it gets you thinking… what are we doing for our own mental health and also how we’re looking after other people’s mental health.”

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The initiative began at last year’s Port Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Business Excellence Awards when City Motors’ Mark Venning met West Coast Youth’s Narrelle Biddell.

“To me, it’s a great cause, Venning says.

“We’ve had several staff over the years that have had their challenges… so it just seemed like a really obvious and a great cause to get behind and to support Narrelle and Lain and everyone else.”
